primeiro casamento em 2014

O primeiro casamento do Ano foi em Curitiba, Brasil.
Eu estou morando nessa cidade  e estou gostando daqui. Até o clima que muita gente reclama eu gosto. Só que 2014 vai superar 2013 em viagens. Enquanto o pessoal local não me descobre, eu sigo viajando para outros paises e outros estados brasileiros fazendo fotos de casais e participando de um dos dias mais importante para a vida do casal. Para esse ano já tenho alguns marcados fora daqui. Eu gosto de viajar, mas também estou animado para fotografar em Curitiba porque aqui é uma cidade linda aonde tem vários parques para se usar de fundo na fotografia de pessoas, familias, e casais.

As fotos a seguir foram uma mini-sessão. O casal mora a kilometros daqui e solicitou meus serviço para uma sessão logo após o selamento Mórmon. Eu tive que ser muito rápido porque além de eles estarem cansados, tinhamos pouco tempo na agenda para registrar essas memórias através da fotografia.

O templo na foto é o templo de Curitiba, um lugar santo, a casa do Senhor aonde os casais são selados em casamento para o tempo e eternidade.

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Um comentário sobre essas imagens:

Essa sessão durou menos de uma hora e foi um investimento econômico para os noivos. Eles também vieram de longe, estavam viajando e resolveram dedicar 1 hora da sua agenda super-lotada para essa mini-sessão. as fotos foram como esperadas e todos saímos felizes com o resultado obtido.

Não é necessário  muito tempo nem muito dinheiro investido para se criar uma lembrança impressa digital ou em livro de um evento importante para as nossas vidas. No futuro os filhos, netos, e toda a geração vão ser agradecidos por anos pelos pais que tiveram a ideia de registrar esse momento com fotos de qualidade.

apanhando a fruta madura

No meu mundo, o momento que eu tiro uma foto é apenas uma pequena parte da criação dessa imagem.

Se não fosse assim, seria como dizer que tudo o que consiste jardinagem está em quando apanhamos uma fruta madura.

Existe um monte de coisas que tem que ocorrer previamente para fim de que a fruta realmente esteja lá. Isso é o que compara ao que o trabalho é. Esse é o meu mundo, e escolher as sementes, irrigar a planta, capina, mantendo o jardim no caminho certo para que eu possa ter certeza de que o momento vai chegar quando a ação acontece que eu posso tirar uma foto. Eu produzo um ambiente através de elenco, iluminação, locais, e dirigindo o que resulta em um momento realístico e ao mesmo todo todo criado. Este é o meu mundo.

Sim, nesse momento, existe um monte de pessoas que podem tirar uma boa foto, mas qualquer um pode apanhar uma fruta madura.

Engage Lizi + Dave

I present to you a couple in love.

They are both fun, I can see how they found each other and got connected.
Here are some images of Lizi and Dave engagement session.

Since that tree was of importance to them I told them to stay a little bit away from it to facilitate to add the tree to the composition. I also asked them to forget I was there and to talk about anything that brings a good mood to the scene.

I knew it was working because you can tell here that they did forget about me being there 😉
Having some fun before we left the park in direction to the lake… we were thinking about getting some pictures with the sunset.
I make all my images in vibrant + vivid colors but I also add to every package complimentary black and whites because I know some people just love them monochrome.
Because the time I knew we would not make to the lake in time so I suggested a construction site on 1860 South Provo.
It’s fun to shoot a couple that has a fun personality…
when the flash doesn’t go off we can get the silhouette images that I always like to add 1 or 2 in every session.
 Lizi and Dave will get married at the Manti temple of the month of June, 2011. For more images of them in love you can click here.
thanks for visiting.

cristy pre-session

Cristy is turning 15 and we went to the mountains for this session. She is fun and it was a joy to take some pictures of her.

Having the ciclist in this picture wasn’t an accident at all. Since I typically take a ridiculously amount of pictures I can have fun and try different things.
there were some ants climbing her leg here and she was still able to make a great smile.

kelsi pregnancy

This is Kelsi and she is going to have a baby.
This is her husband…
One of my favorite things to happen in a photo-shoots is when I get a couple in love. To capture the connection they both have for each other is a priceless experience for me as a photographer. This did not started as  a love session. It was supposed to be a pregnant session. While I still think we accomplish the purpose to register the pregnancy of Kelsi, but above all I think we were able to capture the love they have for each other as well.
thanks for visiting the blog.

fast session

Often in photography we don’t have a lot of time to plan before we have to do a session. Also often because some circumstances we might have to run as fast as we can do deliver the image. While I prefer to plan a shoot way before, sometimes a photographer has to work fast. Here is a sample of a mini session.
10 minutes = 20 images.
This is Stephanie, and while she was assisting in a shoot for her mom, we made together a really quick session for her. It took no longer than 10 minutes to get about 20 frames that were good.  I would like to share today Steph’s mini-session. I am thinking it’s a very practical way to get some nice images really fast and if there is interest I will be doing more of this.

1) It’s very cost effective

2) Its fast

3) and it’s fun

Thanks for visiting.

Carla pre-session

The pre-session is a photo session that I offer complimentary to all my wedding  couples and quinceaneras.  There are many benefits from doing that. One of the reason I like to do a pre-session with my clients is that they get to know me, get to know my personality so at the big event day I will no longer be a stranger taking pictures at their party.
Here is a pre-session and I choose to post only the black and white ones. At the end of this post I will post a link to all images.

dance time

Last night my wife and I went dancing. We got early and even had a dance class. Not that my wife needs it, but I surely could use some help with my moves.
I found out that is very difficult to do the robot move dances with latino music. It just doesn’t fit well.

I brought my camera and the event organizers were kind enough to let me take some frames for my portfolio. It took me a while to figure out my camera in such an environment with low light.  It’s not to different when people go dance in the weddings I guess.
I used a Canon 5D with a 580 EX ii flash on top of it, a 50mm lens and looked for capturing some good moments of people having fun with the music.